So I've re-done Laura's and my own tanks. mine is still a work in progress. i need to get the hood, and filter(canister preferred)
So here is what i've done :D
For the hexagon, i took all the sand out of the tank(it was very messy when doing gravel clean-ups) now it is comprised of almost all my Carrot stick gravel(reddish & mixed from petsmart & the guildford mall pet store.)
After long thought & consideration, I've decided to get a dual Hood light for the hexagon, and have a Glow Light & Flora max bulb and get some kick Ass plants for the tank. with a fantastic rock feature in the back(by the under-gravel filter tube). the rock feature is still a work in progress, but it's coming along nicely :D
I'm going to get a cleaning crew of Ghost Shrimp & Dwarf Pleco for the Hexagon as the space restraints make a larger animal slightly disoriented. i don't think it's humane to have a Pleco thats going to grow to 15 inches long in a 1ft Long x 2 ft tall fish tank(aprox)
On top of the Pleco & Ghost shrimp, I'm thinking of having 2 or 3 Angel fish in my hexagon.(FRESHWATER) and including some BLACK neon Tetra's and some obscure tropical fish that are more of a dwarf fish.(The smaller the better) since i don't want to have a 6 inch fish in a hex.(not cool)
For laura's tank i decided to mix the best of both worlds, with a whimsical and biotopic design. we have a penn Plax air stone in a disk shape, for volcano's or rock features. i decided to stick it in the center of the tank and have the rocks in a pyramid shape over top. with some of the "BAMBOO" and Grassy plants coming from the center. with the bubbles all around. i also bunched the plants up all around the rock feature, put a slight path from the castle on the left hand side going to the middle of the tank where the rocks are, and had a WHISPER rock feature Filter in the far right hand side. for those who are unaware what the whisper rock feature is, it's a hollow plastic rock, usually with a U shape on the bottom so the fish can Swim under it, and it sits flush with the back of the tank. it holds a 10 or 20 gallon filter in it, and the water trickles down the rocks. it also hides your heater inside. VERY NICE. I will for sure upload pictures when i get my camera back up and running. it looks VERY cool.
Over all, both tanks are looking FANTASTIC!!!
For the 2nd hexagon, Laura FINALLY gave in and agreed to do a African clawed foot frog tank. OR dwarf frog tank. not sure which she wants, but their pretty much the same thing.
And i will try to post a video of the tank being set up :D that is if laura will edit the video :P
Yes brian i would love to edit your video for you this time keep it more stable . :)