I started this blog to share my love of animals with the world. through my trials & tribulations into the world of pets!

I'll do product reviews, post instructional video's, Babble about my dog not eating his food, or if my sister decides to electrocute herself with her air pump again. (lol)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Hexagon setup & re-vamp of the 20Gallon Breeder tank :D

So I've re-done Laura's and my own tanks. mine is still a work in progress. i need to get the hood, and filter(canister preferred)

So here is what i've done :D

For the hexagon, i took all the sand out of the tank(it was very messy when doing gravel clean-ups) now it is comprised of almost all my Carrot stick gravel(reddish & mixed from petsmart & the guildford mall pet store.)

After long thought & consideration, I've decided to get a dual Hood light for the hexagon, and have a Glow Light & Flora max bulb and get some kick Ass plants for the tank. with a fantastic rock feature in the back(by the under-gravel filter tube). the rock feature is still a work in progress, but it's coming along nicely :D

I'm going to get a cleaning crew of Ghost Shrimp & Dwarf Pleco for the Hexagon as the space restraints make a larger animal slightly disoriented. i don't think it's humane to have a Pleco thats going to grow to 15 inches long in a 1ft Long x 2 ft tall fish tank(aprox)

On top of the Pleco & Ghost shrimp, I'm thinking of having 2 or 3 Angel fish in my hexagon.(FRESHWATER) and including some BLACK neon Tetra's and some obscure tropical fish that are more of a dwarf fish.(The smaller the better) since i don't want to have a 6 inch fish in a hex.(not cool)

For laura's tank i decided to mix the best of both worlds, with a whimsical and biotopic design. we have a penn Plax air stone in a disk shape, for volcano's or rock features.  i decided to stick it in the center of the tank and have the rocks in a pyramid shape over top. with some of the "BAMBOO" and Grassy plants coming from the center. with the bubbles all around. i also bunched the plants up all around the rock feature, put a slight path from the castle on the left hand side going to the middle of the tank where the rocks are, and had a WHISPER rock feature Filter in the far right hand side. for those who are unaware what the whisper rock feature is, it's a hollow plastic rock, usually with a U shape on the bottom so the fish can Swim under it, and it sits flush with the back of the tank. it holds a 10 or 20 gallon filter in it, and the water trickles down the rocks. it also hides your heater inside. VERY NICE. I will for sure upload pictures when i get my camera back up and running. it looks VERY cool.

Over all, both tanks are looking FANTASTIC!!!

For the 2nd hexagon, Laura FINALLY gave in and agreed to do a African clawed foot frog tank. OR dwarf frog tank. not sure which she wants, but their pretty much the same thing.

And i will try to post a video of the tank being set up :D that is if laura will edit the video :P

1 comment:

  1. Yes brian i would love to edit your video for you this time keep it more stable . :)
