I started this blog to share my love of animals with the world. through my trials & tribulations into the world of pets!

I'll do product reviews, post instructional video's, Babble about my dog not eating his food, or if my sister decides to electrocute herself with her air pump again. (lol)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Discus Madness: Discus Fish Breeder

I found this great site all about Discus, called Discus Madness!!!

The site has a FYI Section with all the info needed to keep discus, what tank mates are required, food requirements, basically anything you needed to know about Discus in one great informational site :D it's fantastic.

On top of the site, they also SELL discus & Tank mates. Plus food, and other Discus related items.(i haven't had the chance to go through the whole site yet, but i'm definitely loving it so far :D)

They even have recommendations on Bio-Filters for Optimum discus health. This site is an AWESOME website. Definitely a 10/10 from me!

Although i don't believe they ship to Canada, i still think their a fantastic site. just for information alone. What are your thoughts about the site? Common people There is a comment box for a reason :P LETS USE IT !!! lol

Discus Madness: Discus Fish Breeder

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