I started this blog to share my love of animals with the world. through my trials & tribulations into the world of pets!

I'll do product reviews, post instructional video's, Babble about my dog not eating his food, or if my sister decides to electrocute herself with her air pump again. (lol)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cascade 150 Power Filter -

So I'm very close to giving y'all that review on the Cascade 150 Power Filter :D


I've been seriously debating weather i should give it a shot or not, and have decided that it's gonna happen. Right now I've got my rock feature in the center of my hexagon, 7 Albino Convict Cichlids(from what i can tell, I've got a few pairs of lesbians in that tank, so THANK god i won't end up with more babies)

And of course, I've got an under gravel filtration system. because I'm too cheap for a power-head, I've got the water level about a quarter cm lower than the tube, and my aqueon filter tube inside it(extended about half way down the tank) so it's sucking the water through the tube and out into the tank.(GENUS) hehe

So far they seem to be enjoying themselves, I've also got the Frog tank all finished and am hoping Laura will get her camera out and take some pictures of both tanks. the cichlid tank needs some help first, as I'm not happy with the rock feature yet. i did find a BEAUTIFUL piece of Jade in the coquihalla river, and put that in the tank :D it looks fantastic!!! the cichlids seem to love it. they've got tons of room to swim around as their only the size of a Loonie right now(loonies for those who don't know are 1 dollar coins in Canada)

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