I started this blog to share my love of animals with the world. through my trials & tribulations into the world of pets!

I'll do product reviews, post instructional video's, Babble about my dog not eating his food, or if my sister decides to electrocute herself with her air pump again. (lol)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Missing the bus & my adventure throughout the day :D

Public transit 101

Oh the joys of Not so public transit. Without any notice, the 502 to Aldergrove doesn't show up. after a nice 25 minute wait, being 9 minutes early for the bus, none show up. at 10:15 the bus FINALLY shows up. although it's not going to Aldergrove. so i sit and wait. and wait. and wait. for the next bus to come. which takes forever, and leaves me with a nice window of 2.5 hours till the next bus. nice eh? so here  i sit at the Aldergrove water park,  having just run into an old friend from Abbotsford, Heidi. And i know what your thinking as you read this. WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH PETS!!! well let me tell you. Heidi &  Will have the MOST ADORABLE PUPPY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. it is the most affectionate puppy i have ever met. imideatly, without hesitation,  rolled over and demanded belly rubs. and when i stopped, she  decided to try her hand at convincing me to bestow more tummy rubbing love on her in the way of over-zealously licking my feet. HOW ADORABLE!!!!  So i guess my bus not showing up was a blessing in  disguise, because i get to write this wonderful post about old friends and their pets. and vent about how  he park washroom here has a mighty bug infestation. HOW AM I SUPPOST TO WASH MY HANDS WHEN BEATLES ARE FALLING INTO MY NECK... not 1, not 2, but 3 bloody beetles. and all the girls in the next washroom are hearing is my profane and soprano screaming as i try to get them off me.(i hate beetles.) Too bad the pool wasn't operational, cause i could definitly use a dip in the pool hehe. and it's so  CHEAP!!!

AND because i know my mom never reads this(at least i think) i do have an admonition to make. i LOVE Aldergrove. from the farm air, to the beautiful parks, downtown Aldergrove is truly a beauty. EVEN the lack of shopping venues are ok with me. because i can hop on a bus, and in minutes, be in Abbotsford, where the BIGGEST MALL IN BC is being built right now. HOW COOL IS THAT? by now i'm sure you all know how much i LOVE SHOPPING!!!. so it must come as no surprise that Abbotsford has a certain apeal now that theres going to be WICKED shopping to be done there. In fact, if i could find a pet friendly apartment
there, within the right price range, and one that would allow my birds, cats, dog, and ALL my fish, i'd be there in a heartbeat. Not to mention light rapid  transit would be a plus. how cool would it be to get from Abbotsford to New West in 25 minutes? Well i'm going to get back to my movie, and the long wait for that
bloody bus. I'm watching The Lovely Bones right now and i must say, i'm Very impressed. it's well written story, and nice balance of Spiritual/Reality. the blending of the two worlds is very nice. whats also nice is the
water park and the nice breeze bringing wisps of cool moisture my way. Very nice :D Anyways, back to my

movie :D
Draft Saved : 1:24pm 8/21/2010

Well I've finished watching the Lovely Bones now, & i have to admit it was AMAZING... It had enough thrill factor, had enough gushy parts, moments that made me tear up. Peter Jackson did an inspiring job at finishing the film. It tied all the loose ends up, unlike some of the other movies I've watched recently. A+++++x100000. Seriously, you have to see it! and i'll stop gushing over the movie now. hehe. Well i'm sitting at Timmies, South Fraser & Gladwin street Abbotsford. And like mentioned before, since my mom Rarely has time to read this, i won't hesitate to admit, i wanna live back here. i truly miss Abbotsford. only because it's so close knit, for a huge city, it feels like everything just a short walk away, the malls & shopping are all on one street, or just off it, and the area is just fantastic.

Anyways, i'm going to finish up on here, then head to a pay phone to see whats keeping Linda(Lisa's mom) since i mentioned 4pm. (as i reminisce about Lisa being late or never showing. haha sorry Lisa :P <3 ya
I think i might head to Petcetera while i'm in Abbotsford today :D

Well I've got maybe 30 minutes left on my laptop battery, might as well get in an episode of SATC :D I'll be sure to give an update as to how the Scentsy show went !!!!

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