Talk about a misadventure!!!
I'm sitting at home, Thinking about going to see Mr Right, and decide my leg needs to be looked at after Mr A. Gets the thought of spider bites in my head. I'm freaking out researching online about them, and RUN into the Hospital. I get there and tell the Triage nurse that I've either got spider bites or I had some fun with the wrong person. (laugh out loud moment haha)
So after a lengthy wait, I finally get in to see the doctor. who Proceeds to tell me he's going to cut my leg open. And my neck. I'm like OMFG. He gives me the option of numbing my neck and leg, but tells me it won't work long term. I'm like GIVE ME THE NEEDLE!!!.
After a few moments of shrieking while my body is numbed, He starts digging out my leg.(i still don't have much of an idea what he's up to or why he's doing it). Mild screaming, a few moments of profanity, taking the lords name in vain twice, and calling the doctor some words that would make trailer park trash look classy follow as my leg gets lanced. Then comes the neck. Let me tell you, the poor pen that was being used and abused by me while I'm getting cut apart hasn't been the same since.
The doctor leaves, and comes back to notify me i have a staph infection. MRSA to be exact. I'm given 3 options. 1, leave with oral antibiotics. 2, Receive Two 2mg IV bags of Vicomayacin and oral antibiotics, or 3, Receive a blood test to check for infections, do the IV Vanco, AND further IV therapy sessions. He goes over the pro-s and con-s of IV and such, eventually scares me into taking number 3. so i get my blood test done, and wait for my IV. After 2 mis's in the IV department, and no cutie pie nurse like in Abbotsford to aid in my torture(a previous hospital visit involved blood work from a 2nd year nursing student who hadn't mastered blood work yet. Mmmm luv me some Latin nurse :D) Eventually the nurse running the Mild treatment section of the ER helps with the iv. and then comes the fun stuff :D
It seems most people who take vanco experience mild itching, but i had full blown Itching, chest pains, and a mild asthma attack. It was fantastic. 5 minutes in they give me Benadryl via IV. and the next 2 hours are FAN BLOODY TASTIC. If you've never had Benadryl via IV, i seriously suggest giving it a try.(only if you need it that is :P) I thought a week worth of Morphine Drip was fun, this is better. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to advocate the mis use of drugs, but when needed, some of them can be pretty fun.
Well after that wonderful evening in the emergency, I have 2 more days of IV outpatient therapy to attend. and the wonderful Nurse who runs Outpatient daycare is named Pat. she loves to inflict massive amounts of pain upon her patients. i sit in my chair, Iv almost done, as she lances and squeezes Mr cutie's rather larger staph infection(thank god i didn't get that bad) Mmm he was so cute :P OK back on topic. hehe.
As he's getting lanced and squeezed like a lemon, i laugh. AND Pat looks at me, grins and says "YOUR NEXT ;)" Good mood is officially over.
Luckily as i squirm, gasp, and shriek, I've got Mr Cutie to look at :P (and to endure mild mocking from as i am SO not a Manley man.
Day 2 of IV outpatient therapy, and i have to wait for the doctor to see me. He looks at me, says I'm done, and squeezes my leg. of course it has to ooze, so pat starts up again with the leg. Boy does she love squeezing out legs. and if that wasn't bad enough , she has to move onto my neck. Oh boy do they love bugging me there. While I'm in the room with the doctor, a nice woman decides to check out Scentsy. I'd left my catalogs and scents out. i get back and there's no more catalogs and my scents are being passed around. OK. random lady doing my work for me. i can handle that :D(it's nice when my work sells its self :P)
After a few hours of IV drip, I'm ready to go home :D now lets just remind the world, MRSA is painful... My arm hurts like HELL since my iv was removed, my leg hurts like hell, my neck hurts like hell, every muscle in my body hurts. it's horrible. Is it weird that i enjoy going to hospitals? i don't think I'd admit that to anyone personally, but it's not the worst thing in the world.
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