I started this blog to share my love of animals with the world. through my trials & tribulations into the world of pets!

I'll do product reviews, post instructional video's, Babble about my dog not eating his food, or if my sister decides to electrocute herself with her air pump again. (lol)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Misadventures With Mr Right

I've always been a Hopeless Romantic. Always loving Disney movies for their fantastic love stories, and I always hoped to find a "Prince Charming". although live itself is no Disney movie. In fact, far from it. I guess it's rather immature to base your hopes and dreams where love is concerned on a fairy tail, but I'm still guilty as charged :P

After years and years of searching, random mis-adventures with various guys, dates gone wrong, and of course, those relationships that you just stay in cause your lonely, knowing you'd be better off as friends. I have to admit, my last relationship was pretty damn awesome. Aside from the occasional communication malfunctions, and my difficulty with emotions(I'm a work in progress ;) ) it was still really good(at least I thought it was :P)

And I now have the chance to give it another shot :) which is pretty awesome. Now imagine me, Mr awkward. being put on the spot, and demanded upon to pull an emotional feelings conversation. well as i sit in the dining room, my mind literally turns to mush. i can't figure out what to say, I'm flooded with all these feelings and memories. Instead i sit awkwardly downing a spiked slushy.(adding White Grape Cider to a mountain dew slushy is GENIUS)

But after a few VERY awkward minutes of conversation, Things are going in the direction i thought they were going to go before i left home. in fact the minute the words - There's something i want to talk about - left his fingers(how awkward living in a digital era) I had my suspicions as to what the conversation would be like.

That aside, lets not forget a certain someones Giddy thoughts & feelings. In the time I've known Mar, I've come to realize she's got one Fiery Personality. she's opinionated, driven & emotionally intense  just like her astrological sign. For the first time I've seen her with a "Special someone" ;) They were insanely cute together :p As I'm chattin it up with Mr Right at the counter, trying to fumble through how i feel about him, I'm picking up on all these Giddy feelings. i soon realize there coming from Mis Mar. (i think she likes her new guy :P)

haha how did i get on the topic of Mar & her cutie? I'm totally lost haha. ANYWAYS, it's super early, i didn't get much sleep, I made the mistake of forgetting my inhailer at home and There is a Feather Pillow lover here.*Cough* *Cough*

Well, I'll for sure keep you all informed about my Misadventure with Mr Right!!!

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