I started this blog to share my love of animals with the world. through my trials & tribulations into the world of pets!

I'll do product reviews, post instructional video's, Babble about my dog not eating his food, or if my sister decides to electrocute herself with her air pump again. (lol)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Misadventures in pet-keeping

I'm not new in the world of pets, but I'm not an expert either. I'm a human being. I learn from trial & error just like every one else. I'll admit to having my first fish tank all die from doing a total water change. I sometimes forget to clean out the litter box every day. I'll even cover up the birds if they get too loud. I'm no angel. I decided to share my misadventures with the world, maybe throw in some product reviews, and explore my love of fish keeping with all of you wonderful folks on the net.

In the future, you can expect to see reviews of such things like Aquarium Filters, gadgets, cat&dog toys, Pet foods, Kitty litter, You name it, i'll probably give it a shot. I'll also be sharing my exploration into the more advanced world of fish keeping. Cichlids, Discus & eventually salt water. maybe even explore some aquatic reptiles with you guys&gals. sounds like fun eh? I'm excited!!!

Well hope to cya all soon,


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