I found their pricing to be VERY reasonable, as I've mentioned before, i'm a huge fan of petsmart, only because their pet supplies are SO CHEAP. well Big Al's is maybe 50-75 cents either way diffrence, (i'm thinking a 22lb bag of gravel) so there pretty much equal. And really, how much does it cost me to get there, and back, Plus grabbing a coffee on the way, i end up spending like 10 bucks after I've left the house just on the trip & Food alone. How much easier is it to sit at home, in pj's, and go pet store shopping ? SUPER EASY!!!!

- Penn plax cascade 200 power filter. i eventually want to give a good review of the CANISTER filters of the same brand name, but that will be for the eventual discus tank. :D
If anyone's had any good/bad experience with this filter, PLEASE Comment about your experience, how it was good/bad, etc. TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT!!! hehe
OR let me know of a good filter to test out. (Please don't say aqueon. Please don't say aqueon. (I CAN"T STAND MINE...
Forgive the choppy nature, i'm just learning how to add photo's to the blog :D
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